Compliance With the Law

We must be aware of and comply with the laws that apply to our role at Bio-Rad, as well as ask questions when we are not sure which laws are relevant.

Many laws apply to Bio-Rad’s business. Laws and regulations in several different countries and states, covering many different topics, can have a significant impact on our operations, but we must understand and follow them.

In cases where it is difficult to determine which laws or regulations apply, or whenever we have questions about how a law or regulation applies to our work, we take the time to seek advice from the Legal Department or the Compliance Department.

In some jurisdictions, our Code or our policies may vary from a local law or regulation. In those cases, we follow the stricter application and, as always, seek advice from the Legal Department or the Compliance Department.

    • First, get advice. Laws are complex. You can reach out to the Legal Department or the Corporate Compliance Department for help.
    • Comply with this Code if the conflict is between our Code and local custom.
    • Follow the more restrictive policies if your business unit or location has policies that are stricter than this Code.
    • Follow local law if it is more restrictive than our policy or our Code.


    • We get advice when we are unsure of what law might apply.
    • When standards conflict, we follow the more restrictive standard, whether it’s our Code or policy or the applicable law. When in doubt, ask.
    • In all locations where we do business, we conduct business ethically, use good judgment, and avoid conduct that could compromise, or appear to compromise, our integrity.

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    Key Terms

      A rule, directive, or procedure dictated and maintained by a governmental authority; Bio-Rad is subject to regulations from local, regional, national, and international governments.

        A behavior or practice in a particular regional area or amongst certain types of businesspeople; be aware that local customs can sometimes violate our Code or the law – when in doubt, ask.


        A: Yes, it is wrong because these payments, called “facilitation payments,” are a violation of the law that applies to Bio-Rad. In general, whenever a local business practice or custom violates a law that applies to Bio-Rad, you must follow the more restrictive requirement. Seek advice from the Legal Department or the Compliance Department any time.

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